Update 9-2-15

     My ninth grade classes have completed two essays and a unit on the plot of a story. They seemed to have a good time reading "The Most Dangerous Game." Next week we will start annotating an article on Hip Hop music. Students will learn about analyzing an article. Eventually, students will summarize and respond in a letter. 
     My tenth grade classes have written two essays and have been studying literary elements. We read the story, "The Pedestrian" and will begin reading "The Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket" next week. Students will be having a test on the terms on September 9, 2015. The students need to know the terms, definition, and be able to give an example. Eventually, the students will write an essay analyzing one of the stories and highlight the literary elements within the story. 
     All students should be keeping their assignments and notes organized in their binder as they will be getting graded on their notebook as well. We are off to a great start and the students are working hard!  I am proud of  the students and the progress they are making. It is great to be a Titan!!