ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee)
If you have a student who speaks or has grown up listening to a language other than English in the home, you may have an "English Learner" in your home. Our English Learner department strives to help our students attain Re-Designation as Proficient English speakers, listeners, readers, and writers. The forms are below.
Si tienes un(a) estudiante quien habla or se crece escuchando un otro idioma diferente que ingles en la casa, tal vez tiene un "Aprendiz de Ingles" en su hogar. Nuestro departamento de aprediz de ingles alcanza apoyar nuestros estudiantes llegar al nivel Re-designacion como altovoces, oyentes, lectores, y escritores de proficiente ingles. Las formas estan abajos.
23 Re-designations and counting this school year -- Keep it up, ELLs!